Visit to the shrine of Mir Qurban Ali and meet with
Mr. Syed Habib ur Rehman Niazi,
The guardian of the shrine Dr. Syed Habib ur Rehman Niazi, the guardian of the shrine of Mir Qurban Ali, is a prominent cultural and scientific figure.
For nearly 300 years, this Sadat Naqvi family in Jaipur has made great efforts in organizing the mourning of Sayyid al-Shuhada.
The late Syed Mahbub ur Rehman Niazi, the father of Mr. Habib ur Rehman, has written many works on the teachings of Ahlul Bayt (AS). One of the most famous works in the subcontinent in Urdu is known as ‘Raz Karbala’. Every year, grand ceremonies are held at the shrine of Mir Qurban Ali in commemoration of Ahlul Bayt (AS) in which hundreds of people are present.