
Participate in the Quran Competition

About Event

Participate in the Quran Competition

Date: December 5, 2024  Thursday

A: Visit to Darul Uloom Deoband and meeting with Mr. Ashraf Osmani, the head of Darul Uloom Communications

A visit to Darul Uloom Deoband was made by Mr. Ashraf Osmani in the company of students. Deoband students were warmly welcomed

B: Visit and meeting with the officials of Darul Uloom Zakaria

Good and appropriate meetings with the officials were held, along with the reception and holding of Maghrib prayers in congregation at Darul Uloom Zakaria

Darul Uloom Zakaria is the third largest school in Deoband after Darul Uloom Deoband and Darul Uloom Waqf The number of students is over 1200

The head of Darul Uloom, Mr. Maulana Salem Khan, and his deputy Maulana Shafiullah are important figures of Deoband

C: Participation in the Holy Quran Competition.

Organizer: Mufti Muhammad Tariq Qasimi, Director General of the Delhi Quran Recitation Academy.

Date: December 5 2024

Location: Mustafa Garden, Eid Gah Street, Deoband, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh.

Participants: Nearly two thousand people.

How to select individuals and hold the competition:

A few months ago, a call for registration is announced to Deoband schools all over India.

When registering and completing the registration form, a short clip of the recitation is sent to the secretariat of the competition organization.

After selecting the eligible candidates, an online video interview is held. Finally, the selected candidates are notified and the travel expenses are covered. Return, accommodation and food will be provided by the organization organizing the competition.

On the day of the competition, there will be three stages of the competition from the morning, and 10 people will remain in the final round, from which three will be selected. The presence of Hojjatoleslam wal-Muslimin Mr. Ziaeinia in the Quran competition was warmly welcomed by the hosts, scholars and students of Darul Uloom. 65 selected people participated in this competition.

After completing the competition stages, Hojjatoleslam wal-Muslimin Mr. Ziaeinia gave a speech, translated by Seyyed Sadeq Hosseini. Immediately, he recited the Holy Quran for a few minutes, which was applauded by the audience.

A few minutes of speech was also given by the head of the Council for the Proximity of Religions, Seyyed Sadeq Hosseini.


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