
Rahmat ul-Alameen Conference, Ranchi 2024

About Event

Rahmat ul-Alameen Conference, Ranchi 2024

(Mercy for the Worlds Conference(Rahmat ul-Alameen Conference) and Meeting on the Virtue of Handing Over Virtues and Distribution of Documents, Ranchi)

Date of holding: 18 Rabi’ Al-Thani 1446   AH, corresponding to 22 October 2024 Monday

Location: Fatima Academy, Fatima Nagar Attiki, Ranchi Jharkhand

Organizer: Director Fatima Academy, Attiki Ranchi, Jharkhand

From: Fatima Academy Attiki, Ranchi, Jharkhand

A grand conference was held in Delhi on the occasion of the week, severity and days of the birth of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him and his family) as “Conference for Mercy for the Worlds and Meeting on the Virtue of Handing Over Virtues and Distribution of Documents in Ranchi, Jharkhand” in which prominent figures of the Islamic world from India and Saudi Arabia from the city of Medina were present, and a large number of scholars, scholars and general Muslims were also present,


Guests and speakers

Fadhilah Sheikh Maulana Syed Adnan bin Muhammad Altaf,

Teacher of Hadith, Holy Shrine, Medina,

His Excellency Sheikh Maulana Syed Muhammad Jafar Masood Nadvi,

Secretary of Nadwat Ulema. Lucknow

His Excellency Sheikh Maulana Nazar Towhid Al-Muzahiri,

Sheikh of Hadith and Head of Jamia Rashid Uloom, Jharkhand

Hujjatul Islam Maulana Syed Tahdhib-ul-Hasan Rizvi,

Imam of Jamaat and Jamaat, Jafariya Masjid, Ranchi, Jharkhand

Mr. Maulana Abu Talib Rahmani

Mr. Maulana Saud Alam Nadvi

Mr. Maulana Dr. Abdul Wadood Shoaib Nadvi

Mr. Maulana Ghulam Rabbani




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